7 Reasons To Exhibit At Mart of Miami

Sales and Lead Opportunities Those attending trade shows are typically looking for the next significant innovation in technology or process. With some savvy marketing, you can appeal to those prospects and close deals right on the showroom floor.  Trade shows offer unique opportunities Here is a chance to meet your existing customers face-to-face, which is […]

Trade Shows: Marketers Prepare for a Post-Covid World

Trade shows and exhibitions are one of the most effective ways to promote your business, expand your professional network, and showcase your brand. With the right trade show marketing tactics, you can increase your profitability and establish your business as one of the main players in your industry.  However, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a […]

What To Expect at the Next Mart of Miami Trade Show, January 12th-14th?

Get Ready for The Next Mart of Miami Trade Show The next Mart of Miami Trade Show is on the horizon. Taking place in Miami Gardens from the 12th to the 14th of January. This is your chance to get involved in an event that showcases thousands of products. If you’re looking to grow your […]

Miami International Mart brings September 2019 Trade Show! September 22nd – 24th

Miami International Mart is holding another public trade show in 2019, on September 22nd-24th in Miami. This occasion will bring shoppers the best by and a large product like home merchandise, wellbeing and magnificence, hardware, toys, discount things, dollar store things, and item closeouts. Purchasers will have an excess of the assortment and selective open […]

Miami International Mart Returns for August 18th-20th Trade Show!

You can compete on price and service, but the core of your retail business is what you’re selling. Your customers come to you to buy what they can’t find anywhere else.  Miami International Mart is here to help you find the latest and greatest products to put on your shelves or eCommerce page and connect […]

How to Expand into International and Caribbean Markets

Mart of Miami trade shows give our attendees an opportunity to on how to expand their international reach with clients without actually having to travel. Our Mart of Miami Trade Shows 2019 are a great opportunity to make foreign connections and move goods and products across the world with networks they develop at our Miami […]